
Week 7: Wikis

what the w***i is that?

never trust a wiki - that's what my librarian always told me

well i've been well and truly wiki'ed (can that be a word?) by wikis - unfortunately the suggested sites were not very interesting so i wikkied off and here is everything you ever wanted to know about pugs according to wikipedia.

Week 8: Web 2.0 awards

playing exploring and writing thats what you asked me to do

and the winner is...

well of course i chose
cocktailbuilder - why wouldn't I? it's Friday afternoon and what else does one have on one's mind?

my problem being that i don't have that many ingredients in the bar! a feature on this site is that you type in the ingredients you currently have in your bar and it lists all the cocktails you can make - roll on 5pm is all i can say!

a simple site for simple minds looking for a quick refreshing (!) drink to make. simple really.

there are lots of interesting sites to look at from the web 2.0 awards list. the problem is that you start in one place and 2 hours later end up god knows where. it's very distracting but lots of fun.

i'd like to thank my mum and my dad and of course pug...

the other thing i looked at was
Go2Web20.net - the complete Web 2.0 sites directory and played on that. basically this is a directory site linking to other interesting sites. one site i looked into was bestuff.com - everyone on this site votes for what they think is the best stuff in the world. Best movie, best song, best hair style, best time to fart - WHAT THE!!!! who has the time to be contributing to these sites?
(PS. best time to fart is when you are being hugged from behind)


You too can YouTube

Ok so I've jumped ahead a bit but the other stuff was boring me and this is soooooo much fun. I love watching this stuff but connections can be slow and my attention span is short so if doesn't work first time it's goodbye charlie. As you can see I've found the cutest pug clip, there were heaps more but I won't bore you and of course as soon as I saw Johnny Depp - my other life long love and passion then I just had to add this as also. I've added the Johnny clip to my blog twice - see end of page - cause you really need to see the whole thing to appreciate the beauty and wonder that is Johnny Depp.

Perhaps we could youtube someone using a self checkout machine - probably wouldn't get that many hits in the real world but in a library setting it could just work - as long as the connection was fast enough.

As you can hear/see I'm also a fan of Massive Attack - this is one of fave songs, totally powerful and totally seductive.

Week 6: Technorati

had a look around technorati.com and did a search on pugs. lots of pug blogs, pug videos, pug photos and pug posts to look at and read. in fact there were 1,545 results. some of the tags used include
pug dog

pug dogs

to name but a few.

of course I became distracted along the way and ended up in
pug puppy photo heaven ... my god they are sooooooo cute.

Week 6: Tagging & Delicious


Week 5: Rollyo

I created a very basic Rollyo search called "One Stop Pug Shop" lots of favourite and most used websites. Not very interesting to everyone but interesting to me. Rollyo is easy to use.


Week 5: Library Thing

How easy is Library Thing?!?!? I've heard people talking about Library Thing before and have thought to myself I must check that out but never got round to it. Well i'm glad I did and now I'll have to keep using it. Have a look at a few of my favourite Pug references here.